Friday, January 2, 2009

'Twas the Night Before Honduras...

So it is about seven-hours before we depart for Honduras and we are all feeling the excitement of our pending adventure. First of all...

Welcome to our Blog!!!!

Earlier this evening the Global Brigades (Business, Medical, and Water) at Marquette joined together for a pre-departure Mass and Dinner that the Medical Brigade arranged. It was wonderful...nourishing for the mind, body, and soul. A BIG Thank You to the MU Medical Brigade!!

We have since split-up and are prepping for the 3:00AM meeting time: packing, re-packing, visiting friends, finalizing some last minute details, blogging, mounting logos, sleeping, etc. No matter what is being done, everybody is anxious to see the year's work fall into place over the next week; and it safe to say we are eager and energized for our quest ahead. Even though we are no longer mainly focusing on researching project possibilities, we are still in the trailblazing phase for our program at Marquette, which adds a component of the unknown to the journey. What we do know, though, is this next week will be an adventure, to say the least. As MUGBB we have chosen to work with a group of Honduran men and women in the process of forming a co-op to produce, market, and sell Rosquillas. The name of the co-op is Rosquillas Del Vallas De Zamorano. Over the next week our group will meet with the members of the co-op, present interactive business-related workshops, conducted some local research, do what we can to help enable the members to excel in their endeavor, hopefully see a few sights along the way, and much, much more!

Our Group group consists of 14 people with various Marquette affliations:
Undergraduates - Sarah Camp (International Business, Business Economics, & German), Brenda Campbell (Communications & Public Relations), Jorge Chamot (Economics), Erin Dempsey (Accounting), Hayley Ford (Accounting), Robert Mueller (Finance & Real Estate), and our fearless leader: Kate Novotny (International Affairs)
Graduate Students - Sandra Delgado (Marketing) and GBB's Graduate Assistant: Rosario Ibanez (Economics)
Advisors - Dr. Heather H. Kohls and Dr. Joseph P. Daniels
The three remaining affiliates form the advisory board for MUGBB to help develop and improve our program.
For this trip there are nine of us attending. Those making the venture include all seven undergraduate students and both graduates.

Well, our travel will commence shortly and along the way we will continue to bring you updates and pictures from our experiences. So get ready to join us on our journey...we are thrilled to have you accompany us on our ventures!!

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